Cut-Aways, Infographics and Industrial Illustration
Webster defines Infographic as:
“a chart, diagram, or illustration (as in a book or magazine, or on a website) that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking way.” That sums up the objective at Kopp Illustration. It is critical that an infographic tells the story quickly and clearly. Add to that detail and precision that draws the audience in and compels them to stay for a while. Kopp Illustration is the perfect solution for your infographic needs.
- Desalter Plant Cutaway
- Grocery Store Cutaway
- House Cutaway
- Industrial Treatment Plant
- Medical Infographic
- Autoparts Store Cutaway
- Industrial Treatment Plant
- Material Manufacturing
- Industrial Treatment Plant
- Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center
- Campus Visitor Map
- Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center
- Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center
- Dairy Farm Infographic
- Working Farm Diagram
- Composting Facility
- Camping Site Map
- Camping Site Map
- Coal Plant Cutaway
- Production Infographic
- Desalting Plant
- Farm Technology
- Infographic
- Refinery Infographic
- City Buildings
- Wireless Network Tracking
- Satellite Deployment Infographic
- Petrolium Research Graphic
- Offshore Oil Infographic
- Water Treatment Plant
- Infographic
- Instructional Illustration
- Refinery Infographic
- Construction Infographic
- Brain Function Infographic
- Refinery Infographic
- Construction cutaway
- Production Infographic
- House Construction Cutaway
- DNA Infographic
- industrial Cutaway
- Farm Infographic
- Airline infographic
- Intersection Graphic
- Dairy Processing Plant